Examining the Key Components of Faculty Development to Advance Japanese Higher Education: A Qualitative Study

  • Satoshi Ozeki Asahikawa Medical University
  • Toru Hayashi Kanazawa University
  • Masa Fukano Osaka Metropolitan University
  • Shinichi Yamazaki J. F. Oberlin University
  • Andrea L. Beach Western Michigan University
  • Mary Deane Sorcinelli University of Massachusetts Amherst
Keywords: Faculty development, Japanese higher education, content analysis, qualitative study, faculty evaluation


Establishing an effective management system for teaching and learning is an urgent challenge for quality assurance and enhancement in Japanese higher education. Faculty development (FD) plays a key role in improving the human resources directly responsible for educational quality. This paper discusses how FD should evolve to advance Japanese higher education. Specifically, it presents the results of a qualitative study examining future directions of FD in Japan. A content analysis of the opinions of people in charge of FD was conducted to reveal the essential components for advancing higher education, including various critical themes on how FD should be, along with improvement-related themes, not only faculty teaching skills but also program- and institutional-level management. The results suggest that FD must be developed systematically within an institution in collaboration with other institutions, using technology such as e-learning systems. Lastly, measures should be taken to create sustainable and meaningful FD activities in Japanese higher education.


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