Integrative Institutional Theory, Expectation Theory and Self-Determination Theory in Cross-level Perspective

in Cross-level Perspective

  • Kuo Hsun Liao Dahan Institute of Technology
Keywords: Mimetic isomorphic, Expectation theory, Self-determination theory, Hierarchical linear modeling, Perceived performance


Mimetic isomorphic theory explains the process through which organizations in the same environment imitate each other’s actions to become more similar to each other. This research makes a potential contribution that institutional theory can help to understand the success of marketing practices. Based on the concept of mimetic motives, Expectation Theory and Self-Determination Theory, the moderation effect of insurance companies’ mimetic motives to customers’ perceived performance and SDT can be investigated.

Data are obtained from 289 customers and 30 team managers of insurance companiesin Taiwan. A two-level hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) is adopted to examine the relationships between team managers and customers, appropriately adjusted for a nested structure. The empirical results of this study indicate that the moderation effect of mimetic motives on SDT to loyalty is significant and positive, suggesting that institutional processes are also an important factor in consumers’ behavior. This study has provided insights into marketing practices that self-determined motivation dominates the mediating mechanism between satisfaction and loyalty.


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