The Quantitative Analysis Between Application Patents and the Market about Japanese Digital Camera Manufacturers

  • Jun HOSOYA Waseda University
  • Yoji TANIGUCHI Daiichi Institute of Technology
Keywords: Digital camera, quantitative analysis, regression analysis, time lag, patent data


The Japanese Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications makes the digital camera the product with the strong international competitiveness. More than 90 percent of the world shipment quantity of a digital camera are Japanese manufacturer. In this paper, 7 Japanese digital camera manufacturers were divided into the existence camera manufacturer type which deals with a camera from the old analog film age, the new entry electronics manufacturer type which makes the digital appliance the strong point field. Whether the outcomes of research and development were making a market however reflected quantitative determination analyzed. The contents of quantitative analysis divided patent application data of each company which was an outcome of research and development into analog technology and digital technology. The analysis was considering the time lag each technology was making reflected to shipment quantity. The analysis was considering 63 kinds of time lag in each analysis period covered. The analysis was considering time series variation for 7 years. 3 companies out of 7 companies, the result of analysis was the following 2. "The patents of the technical field to which a catch up was necessary" needed time in the relation to the shipment quantity more than "the patents of a good technical field". "To shipment quantity per 1 patent of the technical field to which a catch up was necessary, it became more influential than the patents of a good technical field".


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