Implementation of Incentive Mechanism in Participatory Sensing-Based River Management System

  • Tomomichi Hayakawa Kyoto Institute of Technology
  • Teruhisa Teruhisa Kyoto Institute of Technology
  • Tokuro Matsuo Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
Keywords: River management, Participatory sensing, Gamification, Incentive Mechanism, Smartphone application


The illegal dumping of garbage, flooding, and embankment and bridge failures are some of the common problems related to rivers. To be able to tackle these issues effectively, it is necessary to understand and respond to them with speed. In addition, future measures are required. However, since river basins can be very large, it is difficult for the river management staff to notice and respond to all river-related issues promptly. In order to improve the system used in Japan for monitoring the areas around rivers, we collaborated with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Chubu Regional Development Bureau Shonai River Office. In particular, to enable river administrators to quickly understand the issues occurring around rivers and to help them resolve these issues quickly, we developed a River Information Management System (RIMS) that promotes information sharing by the local residents through smartphones. This RIMS consists of a River Information Application (RIA) and a Post Management System (PMS). The RIA is an application for posting river-related problems using a smartphone. On the other hand, the PMS can be used by the river administrators to view the problems posted and respond to them. The developed system was tested successfully by the river administrators and patrol staff of the river office in the Shonai River basin.


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