Interest and Expectation Analysis of International Convention Participants to the International Conference

  • Yasushi Sugiyama Advanced Institute for Industrial Technology
  • Tokuro Matsuo Advanced Institute for Industrial Technology
  • Kenpei Tei Advanced Institute for Industrial Technology
  • Hiroshi Naganuma Advanced Institute for Industrial Technology
  • Hidekazu Iwamoto Josai International University
Keywords: International convention, Questionnaire, Service design, Venue, Tourism


Revitalization of local cities is one of the major issues for Japan. The international convention can attract foreign participants to the venue and increase the local economic ripple effect. Therefore, by questionnaires investigation for the interests and expectations of participants, we clarify the needs of participants and present it to local cities / bureaus as reference for planning and developing international conference venues. The results show that respondents are interested in sightseeing local tourist sites, so local government should play an important role in making strategy for repeat visitation of foreign visitors.


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