Requirements and System Architecture of Tour Planning Support for Local Revitalization

  • Motoi Iwashita Chiba Institute of Technology
  • Yutaka Shirai Chiba Institute of Technology
Keywords: Tour planning, local revitalization, system architecture, sightseeing chain management


An aging society has evidently had effects such as the recent depopulation, the increase in abandoned farmland, and so on in Japan. Therefore, realizing local revitalization is of the utmost importance, and there are many countermeasures in place to guard against the effects of an aging society. In particular, tourism is one of the most effective countermeasures, and each region tries to introduce it with a combination of local resources. Although it is common knowledge that local revitalization has a positive effect in an affected area, it is difficult to maintain revitalization activities over the long term. Therefore, this paper discusses a framework for maintaining local revitalization based on the classification of sightseeing resources and a chain of them. Moreover, tour planning is essential in order to stimulate tourism and to maintain a supply of sightseeing resources. Therefore, the requirements and system architecture for tour planning support are introduced as the first step.


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