An Integrated Learning System for First-Year University Students

with Automated Grading Modules for Typewriting, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets and Word Documents

  • Kazunori Iwata Aichi University
  • Yoshimitsu Matsui Aichi University
Keywords: Automated Grading System, Integrated Learning System


This paper describes an integrated learning system for first-year students to learn basic computer skills, including automated grading modules for typewriting and MS-Excel files and MS-Word files. The system aims to relieve teachers’ workloads to grade many MSExcel and MS-Word files. It also provides immediate feedback and has a mechanism to prevent students from submitting copied files.

In addition, this paper describes the time to grade typewriting, MS-Excel, and MSWord files. It computes the students’ average normalized gain by using the operational records of the system in our university in 2021. The average normalized gain shows the variation between students’ computer skills decreased. These results, therefore, indicate the effectiveness of the system.


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Technical Papers