A 5-Month Comparative Study of Japanese Input Speed by Keyboard of Elementary School Children Learning with 1:1 Devices for the First Time

  • Misuhiro Watanabe Kagoshima Women's College
  • Kazuki Mitsui Tokoha University
  • Kazunori Sato Shinshu University
  • Seiko Nakano The University of Tokyo
  • Yasuhisa Koide Osaka Kyoiku University
  • suya Horita Tohoku University
Keywords: 1:1 devices, information and communication technology operation skills, Japanese input skills by keyboard, information literacy


This study involved a 5-month investigation of Japanese input skills by keyboard of elementary school children learning with 1:1 devices for the first time. Participants were from two classes of elementary schools. The Class X was 4th grade, and the Class Y was 6th grade. The input speed improved in 3rd, 4th, and 5th months compared to 2nd month after the start of utilization. The input speed while copying by looking at the text increased as the months went by. However, the results suggest that the speed of input while thinking by reading the text does not necessarily improve in the same way. We divided the survey results into two groups based on input speed by keyboard. In the upper group, 6th graders were higher than 4th graders, although there was no significant difference. In the lower group, 6th graders were significantly lower than 4th graders in 3rd, 4th, and 5th months. Therefore, it is necessary to pay particular attention to supporting the acquisition of Japanese input skills by keyboard, especially for children in the lower group.


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Technical Papers