Development and Evaluation of Remote Articulation Test System to Support Collaboration Between Special Education Classes and External Experts

  • Ikuyo Masuda-Katsuse Kindai University
  • Yuiko Hirashima Fukuoka International University of Health and Welfare
Keywords: Remote diagnostic system, Articulation test, Special education class, WebRTC


We developed a remote articulation test system with which external expert remotely inspected the speech pronunciation of language-disabled students in special education classes. Our system was configured using Web Real-Time Communication and satisfied the requirements to qualify as a support system for special education classes. To confirm whether a remote articulation test's performance with our system is comparable to a face-to-face test, we compared the performances of the remote test using our system with face-to-face and remote tests using an existing web video system. External experts and teachers conducted articulation tests and rated their diagnostic confidence. The strength of agreement in the diagnostic results was sufficiently high between the face-to-face and remote sessions and between the inspectors. The diagnostic confidence of the remote test with our system was significantly better than the face-to-face and existing web video system sessions. Our system was also evaluated as having higher usability than the existing web video system. Similar results were obtained in related experiments on severe hearing-impaired children, suggesting that the proposed system is also applicable to them. This research achieved a remote articulation test system that provides sufficient performance, privacy and copyright protection, and ease of use for inspectors.


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Technical Papers (Learning Technologies and Learning Environments)