Superior Factors to Distinguish Students to Be Cared in Introductory Programming Education

  • Hiromitsu Shimakawa Ritsumeikan University
  • Dinh Thi Dong Phuong Ritsumeikan University
Keywords: contextual inquiry, learning status, learning behavior, motivation and learning strategies, persona


Every student has its own motivation and learning strategies, which conform a learning status of the student. Appropriate supervision according to the learning status contributes to improvement of the learning of each student. Many of existing works try to figure out learning status directly from observable learning behavior. This paper proposes to utilize internal factors consisting of learning motivation and strategies, to distinguish learning status of students. It presents a way to derive the internal factors from records collected from their usual learning behavior, using the similarity of students over successive years. The experiment results indicates the strong possibility of the distinction from learning behavior. It implies the feasibility of immediate distinction of learning status of students, which enables efficient allocation of teaching power on the spot.


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Technical Papers (Information and Communication Technology)