Clarification of Relationship Between Projective Tests and Questionnaires

  • Shogo Komatsu Yokohama City University Medical Center
  • Koichiro Aoki Toyo University
  • Chieko Kato Toyo University
Keywords: psychological assessment, projective test, questionnaire, statistical analysis


Although questionnaire-based quantitative surveys can be implemented quickly and efficiently for groups, they are also known to have challenges, such as limited contents and skewed results due to intentional responses of the survey targets. In this regard, the projection method can be used to deeply understand the internal aspects of a client, including his/her unconscious side. If the relationship between the questionnaire and the projection methods can be shown and the classification of the psychological aspects that each method measures can be clarified, then the significance of the assessment that combines multiple methods will become more evident. In this study, we conducted a survey by using the combination of the Baum Test and the Group TAT, which was developed for group use based on TAT, one of the projection methods, together with SRS-18, which is a scale to measure stress reaction. We clarified the relationship between the tests and evaluated the psychological aspects covered in each test by analyzing the correlation among the measured aspects. This study was conducted with the cooperation of Kenta Koshimura, Ren Yamamura, and Takuya Oizumi, who are graduates of the Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts Toyo University.


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Technical Papers (Information and Communication Technology)