The Reliability and Validity of Felder- Silverman Index of Learning Styles in Mandarin Version

  • Jingyun Wang Kyushu Universtiy
  • Takahiko Mendori Kochi University of Technology
Keywords: Felder-Silverman learning style, index of learning styles, internal consistency, construct validity


This paper offers a contribution to the validation work on the ILS instrument based on the author’s study of the relationship between learning styles and learning performances in a language learning support system. An analysis on 198 valid questionnaires, collected from Chinese-native undergraduate students in responds to a Mandarin translation of Felder- Silverman Index of Learning Styles, are discussed. The discussion includes internal reliability, inter-scale correlation and construct validity. In the terms of construct validity, the trends of learning style preferences with respect to gender and the field of study are investigated.


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Technical Papers (Learning Technologies and Learning Environments)