High-Performance Graphics with DirectX in Racket

  • Antoine Bossard Kanagawa University
Keywords: GPU, parallel processing, functional, programming, Scheme, Windows, Win32


Parallel processing is ubiquitous with modern computer systems. It has been supported by two major hardware advances: on the one hand, computer CPUs nowadays include several processing cores – even mobile device CPUs. On the other hand, the adoption of parallel processing has been bolstered in recent years thanks to the parallel processing capacities of graphics processing units (GPUs). General-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is one example of the versatile capacity of GPUs. Relying on the Microsoft DirectX 12 framework, we propose in this paper a novel approach to enable parallel processing for graphical rendering on both the CPU and GPU for the functional programming language Racket (formerly PLT Scheme). Importantly, this is achieved without compromising the usability and programmer-friendliness of Racket. Significant improvements are observed from the performance evaluation experiments with respect to the execution time (×3 speed-up in some cases), the CPU utilisation time (reduced by as much as 80% in some scenarios) and the frame rate in the case of animated graphics.


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Technical Papers (Advanced Applied Informatics)