Impression Comments Analysis in Consideration of User Profile of the Online Guests' Review

  • Koichi Tsujii Nippon Travel Agency Co., LTD
  • Koji Tanaka Hitachi Government & Public Sector Systems, Ltd
  • Yoshikatsu Fujita Teikyo University
  • Kazuhiko Tsuda University of Tsukuba
Keywords: Hotel reservation, Travel, User review, Text mining, Service Innovation and Marketing


Online hotel reservation is widely used for planning travel in recent years. The number of female guests for leisure usage has been increased more and more, to exceed that of male guests. The female travel demand called "a woman trip" became an important market even for the travel industry. Potential guests usually refer to the guests’ reviews before making their reservations. Guest reviews consist of a user profile, numerical evaluation and impression comments. This reflects guest’s opinion about the hotel. In this paper, we aim to extract the characteristic expressions from impression comments which the feature of the guests' review caused by gender with text mining. As a result, we have found that an impression comment complements the content of numerical evaluation, and showed the difference in the characteristic expressions by gender.


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Technical Papers (Information and Communication Technology)