Fine-Grained Emotion Elements Extraction and Tendency Judgment Based on Mixed Model

  • Xiao Sun Hefei University of Technology
  • Man Lv Hefei University of Technology
  • Changqin Quan Kobe University
  • Fang Tian Qinghai University
  • Fuji Ren University of Tokushima
Keywords: emotional element detection, emotional tendency judgment, deep features, semantic clustering


Nowadays, with the development of internet technology and electronic commerce, the Web storages huge number of product reviews comment by customers. Product reviews tend to be more objective in reflecting the real situation of the product, more and more customers post product reviews at merchant websites in order to make an informed choice. However, a large number of reviews made it difficult to track the comments and suggestions that customers made. In this paper, a fine-grained emotional element detection and emotional tendency judgment method based on conditional random fields (CRFs) and support vector machine (SVM) was proposed. This model introduces semantics and word meaning in CRF model to improve the robustness. In SVM model, deep semantic information imported based on neural network to improve the traditional bag of word model. Experimental results show that the proposed model with deep features efficiently improved the F-Measure.


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Technical Papers (Advanced Applied Informatics)