A Remotely Reconfigurable IoT System using Wiki Software

  • Takashi Yamanoue Fukuyama University http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8439-3627
  • Daichi Yokoyama Fukuyama University
  • Ryoya Umeda Fukuyama University
  • Shota Morita Fukuyama University
  • Takashi Ozeki Fukuyama University
  • Noboru Nakamichi Fukuyama University
Keywords: Sensor Network, IoT, Bot computing, Wiki


Herein, an Internet of Things (IoT) system with remotely reconfigurable gateways and wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes is presented and its applications are discussed. This IoT system consists of wiki pages, bots, (defined as remotely controlled devices), and remotely reconfigurable WSN Nodes. Each bot can be used as the gateway of the WSN if the bot was connected with it. The bots/gateways and WSN nodes of the IoT system are controlled by scripts written on wiki pages that are read by the bot/gateways, which then forward the commands contained in the scripts to the WSN nodes. Each WSN node then executes the commands, obtains the resulting sensor values, and then returns those values to the bot/gateways. The bot/gateways relay the values and write them onto the wiki page. Each bot and WSN node is flexible and reconfigurable because its behavior can be changed by the script commands written onto the wiki page. Using this IoT system, we created a measurement system to evaluate activity levels of group work in a classroom. After developing the measurement system, we found it was possible to adjust the sampling rate for obtaining sensor values simply by rewriting the script on the wiki page without directly manipulating the WSN.


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Technical Papers (Information and Communication Technology)